What is a GIEP? 

A GIEP is a plan that written by the GIEP team that specifically describes the education to be provided to your gifted student.

The GIEP: 

1.  Will be based on the unique needs of your gifted student.

2.  Enables the gifted student to participate in acceleration or enrichment programs, or both, as appropriate, and to receive services according to the student’s intellectual and academic abilities and needs.

3.  The GIEP is a working document that may be modified at any time.

Members of the GIEP Team:

1.        Student’s Parents.

2.       Your child, if you choose to have him or her participates.

3.       Gifted Support Teacher

4.       One or more of your child’s current teachers.

5.       School District Administrator.

6.       Others either you or the district invites to participate.

GIEP Contents:

The Team will review the written report and the completed student, parent and teacher input and discuss how your child is performing in school now.  The GIEP will contain a statement of your child’s present educational performance.  The GIEP team will write annual goals and short term learning outcomes that meet the needs of your child. 

  • Annual goals will describe what you child can be expected to learn during the year.
  • Short-term outcomes are the sequential step your child must take in order to reach these goals.


Glossary of Terms:

Chapter 16:  Regulations and rules regarding gifted students in Pennsylvania.

Gifted Individualized Education Program (GIEP):  The plan written by the GIEP team (including parents) that specifically describes the education to be provided to a gifted student.

Gifted Multidisciplinary Team (GMDT):  A team of educators, other professional individuals, and the child’s parents that reviews all formal testing of a child and all other evaluation material. The GMDT must issue a written report recommending whether the child is gifted and making suggestions about the programs and services needed.

Gifted Written Report (GWR):  The report that is compiled and written by the gifted multidisciplinary evaluation team following a multidisciplinary evaluation.  It contains all of the information gathered by various team members, as well as the results of the assessment.  It makes recommendations to the GIEP team regarding eligibility for gifted programs.

Specially Designed Instruction:  adaptations or modifications to the general curriculum, instruction, instructional environments, methods, materials, or a specialized curriculum for students who are gifted.